Helen’s Note 2013
I am very excited going forward in 2013. With a talented team of florists beside me, who will get the job done in sickness and in health. Thank you so much for not letting me down.
I have heard many stories from distressed brides calling me so close to their wedding date, whereas the florist has cancelled their booking and left them without a florist. I am very fortunate to have a team of three
On a more romantic note…..
Nothing says Happy Valentine’s Day like red roses. Visit our sister website Petals and Scents (www.petalsandscents.com.au) to view our catalogue of flowers AND dob him in by sending us his email address for a friendly reminder like my smart brides have below….email helen@flowersbyhelenbrown.co
Thank you to all my brides that have been providing their fiance’s email address’…. we will be sending an email to your Groom or now Husband with a voucher code, that they can use toward buying you flowers. (We also email to remind them of your wedding anniversary!) Let’s hope you married the romantic type, then again…..sometimes romance blossoms at a later stage in marriage (don’t be afraid to give them a nudge).
Wishing you all a Happy Valentine’s Day.